Club Penguin Crazy's Tech Stuff & Tutorial

HTML GUIDE II: Animated Text

This is my second Html Guide yay! Today I'm gonna explain some Animated Text Effects.

Most of the examples below work in all browsers that were released around 2000 or later.

Moving on....

The simplest type of Animated Text is call Marquee Text code and can easily be done in HTML. Marquee can move right left and up and down in a simple fashion. To create more advanced effects you need Adobe Flash or other pricey software. So I guess it's back to Marquee for now ;-)

Exercise I:

Slide Marquee
To do a slide marquee, type:

To change the direction instead of direction="left" type direction="right". This should make the text go to either side in motion.

To do a scroll marquee, type:

To change the direction to downward, type direction="down"

One last word on marquee before I have some updates to make: I suggest you don't use them as much in post. People find them hard to keep track of in long posts. I suggest them as footers and below your headers as like A Welcome Notice.

Last but not least, an update on Favicons. I got a few emails about how it was not working for some of you. Don't freak out too much! We issued a Favicon Fun Fix. Me and LM suggest you add all the favicon codes to make sure all your readers can see your icon. I might talk to LM about designing a Technopengi one.

For next week, I'll try to make the tutorial in video as well as in text version. You can email me to my new contact page.


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Since June 8 2008

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